Each year, the Sedgwick County Conservation District administers cost-share funds provided by the Kansas Department of Agriculture through appropriation from the Kansas Water Plan Fund. Funding helps landowners in this county implement conservation practices that benefit all of us by providing cleaner water, more productive crop and grazing lands, and improved wildlife habitat.
Beginning July 1, 2019, the Sedgwick County Conservation District received allocations for two programs: $19,697.00 for the Water Resources Cost-Share Program (WR) and $13,290.00 for the Non-Point Source Pollution Control Program (NPS). All funding received through these programs goes directly to area landowners. None of this funding is used for Conservation District administrative expenses. Since July, $13,452.24 in WR funding has been placed under contract with area landowners. This leaves $6,244.76 available for additional projects. Conservation practices implemented under this program include gradient terraces, grassed waterways, and grade stabilization structures. $12,000 in NPS funding is under contract, leaving $1,290 for additional applications. NPS funding helps landowners replace failing septic systems and plug abandoned wells. These projects protect groundwater quality. Please contact the Conservation District to apply for cost-share funding from the WR or NPS programs. Any cost-share money not under contract by November 30, 2019 will be cancelled. These are “use it or lose it” programs!
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